SVHC / REACH, a proper test

Recently, there is a huge health issue from DEHP found in Taiwan’s drinks and food. It brings up the health concern to Asian countries and the awareness of the Asia public regarding DEHP and the related.

 DEHP Taiwan Scandal Issue

As mentioned in previous post, DEHP is listed in SVHC / REACH. However, there is a fundemantal and significant assumption on the allowable limits, which is different from Taiwan’s DEHP issue. Under SVHC, the limit is for a product that is not supposed to be put into food or drink. It is a lot more harmful by putting a harmful content into mouth than touching it. That is why it becomes a huge issue for Taiwan’s DEHP scandal.

 taiwanese food drinks

As mentioned in SVHC/REACH – Briefing, Insight and Tips, SVHC should be treated as a supplementary test. Below is the test we have done on our Wire Fix Card, which is a good demostration of a proper test report.

Does the test cover everything?

The testes covers all materials involved, namely the card, paints, the protective film, polybag and white box, whereas many other suppliers only test some or only a few of them.  Especially, many suppliers did not get their packaging tested, which is not quite right under EC regulations.

Is the test using a right testing scheme?

Each material is tested under a proper testing scheme. The card and combined are tested by industrial standard of heavy metals (Prop 65)  with additional SVHC coverage. The packaging materials including polybag and white boxes are tested under packaging directive. For other suppliers in the market, their cards are mostly tested with improper testing scheme such as RoHS or EN71.

Is it the latest testing scheme?

Regarding SVHC / REACH, there were frequent updates last year. In 2008, it only covers 15 susbtances. It increased to 30 substances, 38 substances, 46 susbtances in Jan, Jun and Dec of 2010 respectively.

On 20 Jun 2011, 7 more SVHC was in effective and it became 53 SVHC substances. Pro-A has react immediately and got our Wire Fix Card tested with such latest 53 SVHC substances. In fact, many suppliers of paints or card sheets are not tested or just tested by very earlier SVHC standards, which are still very far from the latest requirements. Below is our test report covers the latest 53 SVHC susbstances for your information.

Test Report

Wire Fix Card Test Report

1 Response

  1. savvy says:

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